Sponsor Resources

Welcome to the Hub’s Universal Technical Assistance (TA) Resources for Registered Apprenticeship sponsors! Our comprehensive webinars are tailored to equip sponsors with the essential knowledge and tools needed to excel in guiding apprentices through their training programs. Covering many topics, our sessions aim to enhance your expertise in RA program development and registration, apprentices recruitment and retention, compliance, mentorship, and more.

Join us for interactive discussions, expert insights, and practical strategies to maximize the success of your Apprenticeship initiatives.

Enhancing Apprenticeship Programs through Strategic Workforce Partnerships

The Hub team would like to welcome you to our webinar on “Enhancing Apprenticeship Programs Through Strategic Workforce Partnerships.” In this insightful pre-recorded session, our strategic partner, the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) explores the power of collaboration between industry leaders, educational institutions, government bodies, and workforce development boards, to strengthen apprenticeship initiatives.

Join us as we delve into innovative strategies that drive skill development, foster growth, and create meaningful pathways for the workforce of tomorrow by debunking common misconceptions and mastering the art of effective communication with workforce development boards.

Building Youth Apprenticeship Programs through Strategic Workforce Partnerships

The Hub team would like to welcome you to our webinar on “Building Youth Apprenticeship Programs through Strategic Workforce Partnerships.” This webinar underscores the value of youth apprenticeship programs, showcasing insights from an employer who has successfully integrated youth into their company. Workforce boards, the apprenticeship system, and community colleges share a common goal: connecting workers to economic opportunities while meeting the skill requirements of employers in high-demand industries. Registered Apprenticeships have long been recognized as an efficient, effective, and productive way to develop a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. Youth apprenticeship programs, targeting individuals aged 16-24, are expanding in both number and scope, serving as a proven strategy to enhance the talent pipeline. These programs are company-focused, cost-effective, and aligned with future workforce needs.

Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data Webinar Series

The Hub team would like to welcome you to our webinar series on the importance of data collection in Registered Apprenticeships. The first webinar in our series is called Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data – Part 1.

In this pre-recorded session, our consultants, Cori Di Biase, and Dr. Kimberly Harris, delve into the crucial role of data collection in fostering diversity within Apprenticeships. Discover the significance of effective data gathering in enhancing diversity and fortifying Apprenticeship programs. Join us to explore how demographic data can be a catalyst for understanding your workforce better and gaining a competitive edge in the talent marketplace.

Welcome to Part 2 of our data webinar series, “Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data in Registered Apprenticeships.”

In this enlightening pre-recorded session, our consultants, Cori Di Biase, and Dr. Kimberly Harris, delve into the intricacies of demographic data requests within Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program guidelines. Gain invaluable insights into the permissible questions and fields while exploring the collaborative potential between industries and apprentices to promote diversity in Apprenticeships. Join us to expand your understanding of demographic data’s transformative impact on organizational culture and its role in attracting top talent.

In Part 3 of our “Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data in Registered Apprenticeships” data webinar series, Cori Di Biase and Dr. Kimberly Harris delve into the intricacies of demographic data requests within Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program guidelines. This session focuses on the types of required data to be collected and begins to consider how these conversations can best serve the interests of a career seeker by highlighting their talents, strengths, and needs.

Join us as we explore the collection and use of demographic data in the continuous improvement of RA programs.

In Part 4 of our “Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data in Registered Apprenticeships” data webinar series, Dr. Kimberly Harris and Cori Di Biase continue their discussion of demographic data requests within the Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program guidelines. In this session, the presenters pivot from data collection to beginning to utilize data in strategic, affirmative action, and outreach planning efforts.

Join us as we start the next phase of using demographic data as a cornerstone of RA operations.

In Part 5 of our “Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data in Registered Apprenticeships” data webinar series, Mr. Cori Di Biase and Dr. Kimberly Harris discuss the significance of leveraging data in an effective communication strategy. They discuss how data can be used to measure success in affirmative action planning, with a particular focus on using data as a tool to understand the context. Mr. Di Biase and Dr Harris also discuss how intentional and strategic actions can be utilized to craft an effective communication strategy.

In Part 6 of our “Collecting and Using Accurate Demographic Data in Registered Apprenticeships” data webinar series, Mr. Cori Di Biase and Dr. Kimberly Harris discuss how accessibility strategies can be leveraged to create an environment of welcomeness that attracts a more diverse workforce. This culminating conversation also revisits strategies around prioritizing diversity in utilization data. In addition, this final webinar discusses the importance of Utilization Data in outreach planning, service delivery employment, education planning, and overall strategic planning.

Best Practices: Recruiting for Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Hub team members Dorinda Byers and Dina Igoe hosted two Registered Apprenticeship Best Practices webinars focused on recruitment for Women in Manufacturing (WIM). In the first part of the 2-part webinar series, they covered recruiting 101, successful recruitment techniques and the importance of developing relationships and engagement.

In the second webinar, Dorinda Byers and Dina Igoe joined WIM to talk about successful recruitment techniques, connecting with students and Gen Z and using data to help in recruiting.